My K8200 with Raspberry Pi, Webcam and Web Interface

Hi there

Here my K8200 with an Raspberry Pi for control, a Webcam and a 4,3Inch Display for debugging :smiley:
It works fine

Webcam and the Raspberry Control are available over the web interface

Webcam View:



Really cool setup !


Where can we get the code for the rasperry PI and the display?

I would love to replicate your setup


From GitHub
Here is the Link.
OctoPrint Setup RaspberryPi

For printing you only need the BasicSetup.

Greeting St1fT

And here is my first 14hours Print with OctoPrint.
Sadly my Webcam shoot black pictures because I forgot to turn on the backlight :smiley:
Now is the time where I love him!!!

Zombie Hunter:

Greetings St1fT

Hey… got it working with Octopi.

Also added a webcam. Can you help me with the configuration ?!

I typed in the correct urls for stream and snapshot.

But there is an additional field for ffmpeg. What do I have to configure here?

Also the additional tab “webcam” (on the main menu) does not show up. Hmm?!
I asume that I have not done all the configuration correct.

Something is still missing, though the live picture is shown in the controls tab :slight_smile:

A view days ogo i startet with octopi.
I thing the settings for stram, snapshot and ffmpeg you must not change.
To show the stream i use the port 8080 (seperate window)
How to change it for view in the same window, i dont know.


i just install Repetier-Server on my Raspberry but i can’t communicate beetwen Raspberry and K8200

I must install other that repetier-Server ?


can you give me the firmware ton connect k8200 and repetier server


You should look at Octoprint.