My computer won`t see my printer

If you unplug therm 2 does it show 275?
If it goes to 0 the you may have a short or maybe a wiring error

it is on 262 now.
but it did do someting the it is dropping now the temerature.

the temperature is fixed but now the program for the cover won`t run.

I don’t under stand
The cover won’t run??


i have a problem with the communication to the printer there is a green and a red red led glowing.
the software connects , the connect button turns to green,
i have an error: : Seriele communicatie fout:System.IO.Ports.SerialErrorReceivedEventArgs
and i notice that the ic on the board get hot.
when i send manual e code to the printer i get this error.

: Seriele communicatie fout:System.IO.Ports.SerialErrorReceivedEventArgs
