My 14 month 6ft Iron Man build

Hi all,
I just thought I would share with you the great success I have had with the Velleman K8200 printer, since I bought it around 16 months ago I have had little problems besides minor tweaks with the K8200, and over the last 14 months I took on the project of building a complete life size version of the Iron Man suit. It is 6ft 2 in height and took around 30 spools of 3mm pla filament.
As the printer only prints in 20cm by 20cm by 20cm I had to cut the stl files using netfabb and then put together piece by piece. In total there is nearly 600 different parts to this suit.

The only modification the printer has is the extruder which is using the E3D V5 version, apart from that the printer is factory standard.

Please let me know what you think, it took a lot of effort to make this what it is so I hope you guys can see that when you look at the photos :slight_smile:

If anybody also has any questions, please let me know :slight_smile:

Ross Wilkes

Wow amazing!

Super, what a wonderful result !!!

best regards,

Pascal De Petter
R&D and Production Engineer

Absolute amazing work!
How did you fit the parts together? Superglue?

Actually I used a solder iron set to around 300c to do the melting for me,
didn’t paint as I didn’t know what would be best, what do you think?

Actually I used a solder iron set to around 300c to do the melting for me,
didn’t paint as I didn’t know what would be best, what do you think?[/quote]

Soldering iron… hehe :wink:

Well, i’m not a paint specialist, but i think it will require a lot of solvent free filler and sanding at first.
Then i think a water based acrylic lacquer is suitable for the surface coat.

Can’t really beat a solder iron haha, it does everything!

I’m not that good with paint either, thought it would be best to ask opinions, might just leave it as it is or clean it up a little.

Thanks for the help and the kind comments, i’m glad you like it :smiley:


Can you put it on or is it for display only?

Very nice job!!

Thanks :slight_smile:
It’s for display at the moment, however I am trying to make it wearable. It’s the knees and elbows that are the difficult ones to make wearable.

Apart from that the suit is completely hollow inside, so not far of!

Thanks for the support though :slight_smile:

Even if it’s for display only I would love to have that in my living room.
It would be worth listening to the wife’s complaining.


First off, I am completely blown away! This is incredible, my inner Marvel fanboy is going crazy! Do you think we can use your pics on the Velleman(usa) twitter page to show off what people can accomplish with the k8200? We love to brag about the community and think this is definitely worth showing off. Keep up the good work :smiley:

Yes please! It got re tweeted by the marvel agents of sheild cast member who plays Agent Coulson, so yes please tweet about it. And if you have the space you can tag me in it too @rossw14

Are you able to take the photos or do you need the links?

Awesome, it’s up. You got full credit in the tweet and I managed to tag the official account for Tony Stark lol Like I said, keep up the good work, we love to see what ideas everybody brings to life.

Brilliant! Thank you,
Hopefully this will help you guys get the recognition for the printer you all deserve, i have already had people asking me where the printer was from and where to buy! it was also featured on if you would like to read :

Thanks for all your feedback guys, it really means a lot.
Bit lost on how i’m going to top this now though haha.


Hi i just also tweeted on the Velleman RnD account.

Just ignore the email i sent you before ;).
I was just back home from long day on the road because i visited a 3Dprinter expo in the netherlands and didn’t see velleman usa already asked it.

And to top the quality you can check our latest printer out :wink: /shamelessadvertising

Best Regards,

What a patience, very nice, I love :smiley:

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !!!

Thank you, it means a lot that people actually appreciate the work gone into this :slight_smile: hopefully many more amazing prints to come.

Just a thought, but is it possible to be sponsored by velleman for future prints if they are promoted like this one? A lot of people have been asking where the printer is from etc. So does the brand well.

Anyway. Either way I am very pleased with the outcome. And thanks for everyone’s comments :slight_smile:

Oh my god…this is simply awesome man… congratulations!!!
My question is where you took the stl files from??? Did you design all yourself???
The wereable version will be a must man, you should definitively do it!!!
Is it all PLA or ABS as well?
wow im amazed…

WOW, where can we find the STL designs? it would be awesome to print!