Multiple Recievers, Single Transmitter VM130

Is it possible to learn the same remote control simultaneously to 4 individual VM130 Reveiver units? So, after I have set a code in a single transmitter, I then simultaneously press all four setup buttons and learn the same transmitter…

I want to have 2-Channel recievers in four seperate locations all triggered simultaneously by the same remote transmitter. (Configuration of each unit identical).

If it will work I will purchase 4 sets.

Thanks in advance.

That should be no problem: the receivers just store the code from the transmitter. Never tried it with the VM130 but it worked with the earlier models.

It is perfectly possible.
You do not have to press the learn button simultaneously, you can learn one at a time.
However, it can never be guaranteed that all 4 receivers will respond simultaneously to the transmitter. This will depend on external conditions such as distance, interference, etc…