Multifunctional Dimmer Kit K8028 with Halogen load

The kit runs error free in all conditions with a normal ligt bulb as load. Function 5 was the preferred setting. When I changed to the halogen lighting load the following was happened: As long as the “Input” contact is closed, the light intensity increased up to the maximum. If the “Input” contact is broken during this time, it goes slowly out. When I wait until the max. intensity is reached the light goes out immediately. It should be on and remain unchanged. The red LED 1 flashes 8 times, means the triac cannot be triggered properly. Here is the information about the load:

Primary: Current transformer 230 V ~ 50 Hz, 0, 625 A, Lambda = 0, 98
Secondary: Two circuits, 15 lamps G4, 10 W / 12 V / 120 lumen each.

What can I do? What is wrong with the phase shift?

What kind of halogen lighting do you use?
Please supply as much info as possible.

Thank you for the quick answer.
15 lamps G4, 10 W / 12 V / 120 lumen each.
Deckenleuchte 180.003090 SPARK Art.Nr.: 31393500
The lampproducer is Casa Nova, CH
HPI GmbH, Graf-Zeppelin-Str. 5, 46149 Oberhausen

Yes, but is the transformer a classic transformer or an electronic transformer?
Does the manual say that the unit is dimmable en if yes, with what kind of dimmer?

I’ve an electronic transformer and a low voltage halogen lamp. Dimming is possible.
Following is a explanation of the dimmer procedure at all.
Can you help in my case. The dimmer is already built. I can add all you want in the cirquit to get a propper funktion.
Depending on the load characteristics, there are several types of dimming.
With incandescent and high-voltage halogen lamps (230 V) and conventional transformers are dimmed with phase control. These consumers have a resistive or inductive load characteristics.
In my case:
Electronic transformers low-voltage halogen systems have a capacitive load behavior and must be controlled with more complex circuitry phase dimmer. The circuit complexity is higher, it must either turn-off thyristors (GTO thyristor) or (power MOSFET), respectively. IGBTs are used, the control electronics is costly.

Most likely you have an electronic transformer that is not dimmable by means of leading edge dimmer but only by means of a trailing edge dimmer. As VELxxx said: these behave like a capacitive load and on the Velleman site is indicated clearly: only resistive or inductive loads. So no capacitive loads. So it is the second possibility you suggest yourself (in my case …).

Yes, thank you, I understand. It is a capacity load and not dimmable wit Kit No. K8028.

What is your suggestion? What can I do now to keep my halogen lamp?
Is there any other kit you can deliver or can you recommend any supplement in order to upgrade my circuit?

Easiest way to do: look for a classic halogen transformer.

Yes, it is bigger and costs the same as the lamp itself. But I’ve made space and so I can change the transformer into a ring-transformer.
Thank you and goodbye.

Our experience learns us that toroid transformers are less easy to dim than regular wirewound transformers

Please give this message to “laserguy”. Thank you.

Now I’ve found an electronik transformer (cheap, small and not heavy), which can dimmed with your Kit 8028. Could be it is a quite new information for you. I built it in my lamp and everything runs well.
Impressive. The elements inside looks like the other (capacitiv) transformer. It seems to be a trick, no idea.
Art.No.: IN 25243 B
230 V, 12 V, 150 W
Price: 23,36 € (incl. all)

Interesting device!
You never know in advance when they work before you really test them.
Thank you for the information!