Mp3 player

hello i have made the kits 8095, 8098 and the 8058
all the kits working amazing and the display for the 8095 works great only it’s a small disply is there a large display what working on the 8095 too?
i will thanks velleman and his people for making perfect kits
my next one is the valve tube amplifier

Unit will work with a Hitachi-compatible 2x16 display.

Concerning Mp3PLayer K8095

Why can´t I have the PRESET funktion working ? All 5 presetbutton are playing the same musicfile.

I have marked the files in rootposition on the formated SDcard A B C D E but it seems that the preset-reading just takes A and nothing else. Happy for info


The preset buttons select the folder ‘A’, ‘B’… and play all the songs in the folder.

It is possible for a preset button to repeat a file?

For example, press “B” and it will repeat the sound file in folder B until you tell it to stop.

Sorry, this is not possible.
When the preset button is pressed, then the play mode is “Play folder”.