Move Z axis by more than 1mm?


Often I want to lower the bed all the way down so I have space to clean the print head and other things, but the firmware on the printer only allows me to do this in 1mm increments. What always seems to happen is that I spin the wheel to lower it but then it runs out of memory to store all the individual commands and resets.

The X and Y axes appear in the 10 mm menu but not the Z axis. All three appear in the 1 mm and 0.1 mm menus.

Is there a way, other than using a computer or Gcode stored on an SD card to move it all the way down?

Thank you!

I think the 1 mm steps are a safety feature.
If you spin the encoder to fast this will crash the firmware

[quote=“Wrong Way”]I think the 1 mm steps are a safety feature.
If you spin the encoder to fast this will crash the firmware[/quote]
I do not think it is a safety feature considering there is nothing stopping you moving it further using a computer or Gcode on an SD card. It is not the act of spinning the encoder fast that causes the crash, but the fact it has hundreds of commands lined up. Being able to move the bed in 10 mm increments like the other axes would allow me to achieve the same thing with one tenth the commands. Is there a way to change this?

I wrote this file “MANUAL END.GCODE” to be kept on an SD card in the printer at all times, works like a charm no matter where the Z-axis is at the time. You can copy and paste this into any basic text editor (Notepad) and manually replace the default “.TXT” suffix with “.gcode”.

; Disable all extruder
G91 ; Relative positioning
G90 ; Absolute positioning
G1 F24000 Z190 ; Move bed to lowest position
G92 E0 ; Reset extruder position
M104 T0 S0
M104 T1 S0
M107 ; Turn off fan
M140 S0 ; Disable heated bed
M84 ; Turn steppers off

Never mind, I just re-read that you didn’t want an SD card solution. I think the lack of 10mm steps may have to do with there being no end-stop sensor on the bottom end of the Z-axis. While overshooting by a few 1mm increments will be just noisy, grinding the Z-axis down by one or two accidental extra 10mm commands sounds like asking for the flex coupling to be broken.