Motor doesn't work correctly at the first connection

hello everybody,

I have just finish the installation of my k8200 , after set 0.425 V on each motor driver board , I carried out the first manual test of the motors and all systems.

all systems work correctly, just the motor Y doesn’t move or vibrate , I checked the motor ( it’s OK ), I think that it’s the motor driver board , because I have no voltage between the VDD and GROUND …

have you others idea ???



At first i would suggest to set the stepper drivers to 0.55v. This works best for most builds.

If that doesn’t help, try swapping the X and Y driver boards to see if the problem moves to the X axis.
If so, the driver board is faulty.

If not, recheck the motor wiring for switched wires or bad connections.
Try the motor on a different axis to see if the wiring is correct.



thanks for your answer,

I will try tomorrow to swap the drivers board .

I swapped the driver board X and Y and effectively, the driver board from X position doesn’t operate correctly

I ordered a new driver board

Hope that cures it.
Keep us informed.