More printer mods

For anyone interested I’ll share the modifications I’ve made to my printer. I have to admit that all the ideas are from here or “Thingiverse” modified to suit my needs.

  1. Replaced the standard lead screw with an 8MM trapezoidal lead screw with the appropriate brass drive nut.
  2. Replaced the Z Axis motor mount with one that was a bit more substantial with 4 mounting screws.
  3. Incorporated a micrometer to make the adjustment of extruder height easier.
  4. Replaced the home switch with one that was more positive and had less slop in it.
  5. Replaced the solid coupler with a flexible coupler.

I designed it so I could use the original upper bearing mount but left the lead screw long to accommodate a future modification to add a positive drive to the other side of the Z Axis carriage.

Now I have to research how to modify the firmware to accommodate the new lead screw pitch.I 'm sure I can find the answer here but if anyone wants to take pity on me and give me the answer as well as how to change the firmware it would be greatly appreciated.

If anyone has any questions please feel free to contact me.

Very nice work

Looks very solid !

These custom metal parts, are they cast or printed?

The parts were machined from 2"x2"x0.188" aluminum angle stock, tumbled for a few hours to remove the burrs and soften the edges then bead blasted to give the silver matte finish. I do all my aluminum fabrication this way because I like the finished look.

Some may think the design is a bit of an over kill and that may be the case but I felt the original design was a bit on the light side.


Very nice work!

what is roughly the cost of the new lead screw and what kind of supplier can u get that from? And did you find out how to change the firmware?

Hi phixius,

should be approx. 15 to 20 € for rod, brass nut and flex coupler. Possible sources depend on where you are located, America, Europe or even EU, …

The firmware (or EEPROM) adjustment has been described many times, search for trapezoidal rod or similar terms.


In regards to changing the firmware to compensate for a new leadscrew system what are the steps I must take to make everything sync I am currently using the reprap pro mendel with a melzi board and marlin firmware.

kindest regards

Francesco Napolitano


where did you find the bracket for the brass nut?


I am facing some printer issue on my previous printer. It is showing Canon Printer Paper Jam error. Do you have any idea to solve this properly?