Monostable Relay

It is possibile to set the relay, in monostable mode ?
I need that, the relays, close the contact for 1 second and then re-open…

sorry for my poor English

Yes, you can program the output as pulse 1s.

Thank you !


i have got the same problem. i’m using the vm201 for controling K8006 with K8037 dimmodules.
so i need the relay to close as long as i press the button en open when i release the button.
it’s probebly a easy software fix. to have a option for momentery switch.
first place a lot more options for the future. en you can sell it for controling K8006 units…
there is offcourse one downside, that is, you cant check relay status. if you want to do a remote control.
but in my case, there will be hanging a ipad on the wall, en when you press, you’ll see the light go on or the TV…

i hope we can fix it somehow


At this time, there are no firmware updated planned.
However, we will consider your request when we perform a future update.

Hello, is there allready the possebility to use it as a pushbutton.
I think its very easy to make other software for it.
I also need it for dimmers en its easier and more safe for just having a pushbutton instead of a switch and a timer.

Can you help me to configure the vm-201 to work in pulse mode ?
Where I set the 1 sec. ?

In timer overview page, I have set a rule for channel 1 with action “pulse 1 sec.” but when I switch the channel ,nothing change…

thank you
