MK178 possibility to inverse polarisation?


I have bought the kit MK178 to let it work on my motor bicycle.
The normal lights and brake lights are in the same module and can not be opened.
This lights “box” is based on led’s and there is one common negative poled wire and two positive wires. One for the normal light and one for the brake. Now I see that the MK178 cuts the negative wire and not the positive. I can not cut the negative wire because then I have no default lights anymore. Is there a possibility that I can reverse the polarisation, so the MK178 does not cut the negative, but the positive wire ?

Thanks for your help !

Kind regards

Sorry, reverse operation is not possible.


Je viens de recevoir le MK178 et à l’installation j’ai le même problème que Plaske mais cette fois sur une moto.

Tous les autres systèmes du marché coupent le fil positif alors que le MK178 le négatif.

Ce qui le rend inutilisable dans mon cas, le feu arrière utilisant le commun noir qui ne peut par conséquent s’allumer sauf au moment où j’actionne le frein!

La solution que j’ai imaginée mais pas encore testée serait d’insérer un relais qui lorsqu’il est activé par le frein coupe le feu arrière, laissant ainsi fonctionner celui du stop.
A la remise dans l’état d’origine du relais le feu arrière s’allumant à nouveau.

Dommage que Velleman n’attire pas l’attention des acheteurs ce qui éviterait des déceptions.




I just received the MK178 and at the installation I have the same problem as Plaske but this time on a motorcycle.

All other systems on the market cut the positive wire while the MK178 the negative.

What makes it unusable in my case, the taillight using the common black which can not therefore turn on except when I activate the brake!

The solution that I imagined but not yet tested would be to insert a relay that when activated by the brake cuts the rear light, thus letting the brake stop working.
When the relay is restored to its original state, the rear light comes on again.

Too bad that Velleman does not attract the attention of buyers which would avoid disappointments.

