Mk162 or mk161


first off all i’m new here and my english isn’t super.

ok, i bought myself a mk161 and a mk162

i think that the mk161 works fine, if i push the prog buttan short , the second led goes on and i hear a click from the relay, if i push it once more ,then led 3 goes on .
if i continue pushing with an little bit time between it repeats itself , if i don’t touch anything after one of the led’s goes on , it goes off and i hear one click from the relay that was connected.
i’m saying this becuase i want to know for sure this is normal

then we have the mk162

when it was doneand it had a full powered battery , i pushed the button to see if it worked.
the red led flashed with short periodes of time , like a remote of a tv
but the led doesn’t burns really powerfull, and if i follow th einstructions from the mk161 to prog teh mk161 with th eremote (mk162) teh mk 161 doesn’t recieves anything .

and i’m sure the 161 works fine , everything double checked.
the problem lays with the mk 162 . i had some problem during soldering , so i think i messed up there?? so tommorrow i’m going to buy a seond mk162

if i messure the voltage of the two ir led’s in …( opposite of parrallel)
i messure 0.20 volts on the two ?? , a ir led works aroud 1.1v i think sos in total it needs to be about 2.2 volts ?

The receiver appears to be working fine.
It is normal that the red led on the transmitter is quite dim.
Look at the IR leds with a digital camera, as it can see IR light. If the leds flash when a button is pressed, the unit is working fine. In this case, the unit has not been ‘learned’ properly to the receiver.

i bougt a second mk162 for parts or assembly , now i looked with my camera to the remote and the two ir leds wehre on togheter as long i holded the button.

i did the steps again of the mk161, and it is the same as yesterday
i ( not on purpose) two of the 3 wires against each other, and then the relay i was using switched off , like i command i gave the reciever , if you look at the x on the ir recieve component with his 3 pins down (aimed at yer foot) the middle and 3 wire from left were connected and that gives a signal to switch off the relais , i did it once on purpose after i descovered it but it can only switch it of

normally the red ledon the reciever flashes on time for a sec if i connect the power source , now it doesn’t anymore is this bad ?

if i connect the power i can still push the prog button an then he chooses between a relais on put’s it on

are there other ways to find my problem, i think it could be something with the ir on the reciever ?

on the side of the opposite side of the where the components are on (where al the soldering is) there are some things that i can connect but they aren’t ?? is this bad? becuase there was nothing said about it in the manual, on the schematic diagram it’s called j1,j2,j3 and 2,3,4 of the ic

Were the leds on or did they flash ?
If they were continuously on, there is a problem with the transmitter

if i look with my camera at an a remote off my tv or dvd the ir leds are always on(burning continous ) when i push a button

what about this ?

Do not mount these jumpers, they are not called for in the manual.

Hold the IR leds a little further from the camera, maybe that will allow you to see if they either flash or burn steady.

Check with a multimeter set to ‘AC volts’ if the signal from the IR receivers reaches the PIC.