MK147 not working

I just assembled my MK147 Dual Stroboscope, but it’s not working. I soldered everything to the board, and I’ve tested the lights and battery (which all work) but when I turn the switch on, nothing happens. What should I do??


Hi Eric,
Silly as it may sound, have you checked the components are in the right place? I only ask as I had the capacitors the wrong way round on my first one.

Hey Craig. I put everything in exactly as the instructions showed. All the components are in the right place and are facing the way they’re supposed to be. It matches the instructions and the picture on the package perfectly.


Hmmmm all the solders are fine I take it? no bridges or broken solders? and no breaks in the tracks?

Hey Craig. Sorry for the slow response. I found the problem. There IS a bridge. I took it to the store and the guy had a look at it…he needed to use a magnifier to see the bridge. Anyway, I can’t seem to get the bridge off cuz it’s such a small amount of solder. It’s bridging two of the contacts (not sure if that’s the correct term) on the on/off switch. Is there anyway I could make the current completely by-pass the switch? I was planning on putting an on/off switch in between the battery and the rest of the circuit anyway.



I need a way to make the current bi-pass the on/off switch on the circuit. Is there anyway to do this???


Just bridge the switch…

I’ve never really done this before, so I’m not entirely sure how to do this. Do I put solder over the plastic between the metal rings, or do I run a piece of wire between them?



Doesn’t matter, as long as they are shorted it is OK