MK139 Which battery to use?

Hi there, please excuse my lack of knowledge and this might be a daft question…

On the diagram in the instructions it shows the power supply coming in from one side… (12 vdc) ::: for this I have been using an adapter i had which says on it AD/DC ADAPTER OUTPUT 15v/ 1,2a. LD1 flashes when any noise is heard which is fine and when I clap twice ‘POOF’ the relay click and LD2 comes on! which is all good.

Q1: I have just bought and put together K7203 (3 to 30v / 3a power supply). Is this the same as just using the adapter I had already?? and have I just wasted my time (but had loads of fun) putting it together??

Q2: At the other end of the diagram it shows a + lead coming from the ‘COM’ blue connectors to a battery then to the light and back to the ‘NO’ connerctors… What battery do I connect these cables and the light to?? or is this where I would connect K7203 too??

Q3: (Sorry to waffle on…) can I connect more than one ligth to the clapper kit itself or do I have to have one for everylight in the room???

Q4: If I am to use K7203 as the power supply instead of my adaptor do I connent the + to the power jack and the - to the PCB TABS or just put the + to the + tab and the - to the - tabs… (which kind of makes sense…)

Any help will be great!!![/b]

No problem being a newbie, everybody needs to start somewhere :slight_smile:

Q1: Yes, you can use the K7203 to power the MK139, however, it is kind of overkill to use an expensive 3A power supply to deliver 100mA

Q2:This is just an example. Connection depends on your application.

Q3: You can connect more than one lightsource, as long as you respect the max. current allowed. This can be found on the PCB and the manual of the kit.

We’d recommend to have your circuit checked by a professional before applying power, for safety reasons.

So in regards to the diagram with the battery connected that is just showing that you can either use a power supply or a battery…?

I have connected a 12v Halogen bulb upto the circuit without the battery and nothing happens?? Please advise??

Probably, there was no closed circuit, otherwise it would have worked.
One again, to connect a lightbulb and battery to the MK139, proceed as follows (and make sure the battery is capable of powering the lightbulb, test first…)

Connect the (+) of the battery to the COM of the MK139
Connect the NO of the MK139 to the lightbulb
Connect the remaining connection of the lightbulb to the (-) of the battery


what kind of battery should I use and if i am using the power supply (K7203) or otherwise an adaptor into my wall plug do I not need to include the battery into the circuit?

sorry to be a pain.

You’ve got us confused here, and we have the impression that you are not sure either. Please describe with as much details as possible what you are trying to accomplish. Maybe then we can give some hints regarding the hook-up.

Im trying to connect the mk139 to a lamp so that when i clap it turns on.
the difficultyis that i am having is when im connecting the kit upto the lamp.

I have completed the kit and as i said before it works fine, so the LD1 is on and when i clap the relay clicks and the LD2 light comes on. This is OK but my problem is the power supply. Here is a run down:
I have a 12v adaptor plugged into the wall from there it connects to the MK139 via a jack plug which is SK1 on the board. now out of the other side at the blue connectors I have cables going from the ‘com’ side to the lamp and another going from the lamp to the ‘no’ blue connector.
I tried a normal 100w 240v bulb first and that did not work, now i have tried a 12v halogen bulb and that still doesnt work.

I would just like to know if I HAVE to include a battery into the circuit (inbetween the ‘com’ - blub - ‘no’) at the same time as having the adaptor connected as shown on the diagram or if this battery is just another way of powering the circuit if the adaptor is not available?

Also i would like to know what battery I have to use, if that is the case and which type of bulb i need to use…

Adaptor powers clap circuit, not lightbulb connected to it. Please note that blue connectors are relay contacts, i.e. they do not put out a voltage. If you connect a bulb, nothing will happen. Hereby a link to a diagram which shows how to hook-up a lightbulb. WARNING: As you are a novice, we do not recommend to hook anything up to the mains without having your circuit checked by a professional first. For 12V operation, replace plug by 12V battery.

This link does not work?? It says ‘this page cannot be found’??
So let me get this right… the blue connectors next to the relay are relay sonnectors and not where i connect the bulb too?? im going to connect the circuit to a 12v battery and see if that makes any difference.

I will of course be getting it checked before connecting it to the main… I’m just really at a lose off what to do to get it to light up???

Link has been updated.

Great that kinda helps… I know that that is how it needs to be connected and i have done this before but still nothing…

As i was saying, I have connected the circuit like the above image but I dont know what battery to use??? do i use a 9v or a 12v car battery. It just seems abit silly that if I use it for my home lamps i have to have a car battery sitting next to them all… Can I use any other power supply at this end of the circuit (the end next to the relay) or does it have to be a 12v battery…

and what bulb can I use?? a normal 100w light bulb or does it have to be another??


First, you need to decide what lightbulb you are going to use, we cannot decide this for you (we can, but we believe in freedom).
If you decide to use a 240vac lightbulb, you can apply the diagram as shown.
If you want 12V halogen lighting, you need a transformer suited for low voltage lighting. Sorry, but further in-detail ‘how-to’ instructions are beyond the scope if this forum. We suggest to seek local help from a friend or colleague. After all, there are safety issues involved, so it is better that you get on-site assistance from somebody who can guide you step by step…

That is excellent thanks for your help and again sorry for being a pain.

But just can you clarify…

If i am going to use this to power my normal 100w desk lamps etc i need to connect a 12v car battery to the circuit (as in the diagram) leaving this connected all the time next to the circuit in my house??

And that the adaptor that is plugged into the wall is to power the circuit itself and not the lamp.

Final attempt :slight_smile:

You do NOT need a car battery to run 240VAC 100W lightbulbs in your home.
You do need the 12V adaptor to power the MK139

Merry Christmas !