Mk139 problem whit powers, of manuals in spanish

Hello, I’m from spain, sorry if i not speak correct english if are any person read spanish here are the versión in spanish:

Buenas, he adquirido recientemente el kit mk139 y esta en proceso de envio, y quiero conectarlo a 230V una intensidad de 1A seria suficiente (a mas potencia se le conectaria un rele mayor a este de 1A). , pero en los manuales de dicho circuito pone que solo se puede conectar “24V/3A max”, datos que no comprendo, ya que:

-El rele de salida que tiene segun manual es un “VR15M121C” (RELÉ EN MINIATURA 15A/28VDC-125VAC 7A/220VAC 1 x inversor 12Vdc) datos que no me coinciden con los expuestos anteriormente.

-Puede ser que no este bien y sea el rele “VR3SM121C” (RELÉ MUY PEQUEÑO 3A/24VDC 1 x inversor 6Vdc),el de la placa? asi si que coinciden los datos.

Si no puedo conectarlo a la red electrica de serie, por qual rele tendria que substituir-lo para poder conectar-lo a la red?

Espero su respuesta.

Muchisimas gracias anticipadamente


Gaspar Rosselló


Good, I have acquired recently the kit mk139 and this is in process of sending, and I want to connect to 230V, an intensity of 1A serious sufficient (for more promotes him conect a relay bigger than this one of 1A)., but in the manuals of the above mentioned circuit, puts that alone it is possible to connect " 24V/3A max ", information that I do not understand(include), since:

  • the relay of exit that has according to manual is a “VR15M121C” (RELAY IN MINIATURE 15A/28VDC-125VAC 7A/220VAC 1 x investor 12Vdc) information that me do not coincide with exposed previously.

  • is possibel, that not this correct relay, and it is the relay “VR3SM121C” (VERY SMALL RELAY 3A/24VDC 1 x investor 6Vdc), that of the plate? This way if that coincide the information of manual.

If I cannot connect it to the electrical power of series, for that relay i use that to replace it to be able to connect it to the power?

I wait for your response.
Very thank you, early attentivly:

Gaspar Rosselló from mallorca

Because this is a minikit, we mention ‘24V’
However, if you observe all safety requirements and if you have enough experience, you can use it for a 230VAC application.

Ok, I know the danger of bigs electrics powers, but any one know amperes this relay suport??


Relay is not the problem. PCB can handle 3A max.