I’ve just bought a clap activated switch kit and assmebled it.
I bought it because I am building a clap activated lamp and this clap activated switch will go inside.
My problem is that with this clap activated switch, I need 2 power supplies, one for the clap activated switch itself and one to power the bulb.
For my lamp, I am using 3 LED Bulbs which are 12V each, and I am going to wire them in parallel.
Q1. Is it possible to have one plug that powers both things?
Q2. If it is possible, how would I do it and what would I need?
Q3. Also if it is possible, would the power coming from the mains have to be 12V or 24V?
Thanks, but right now I have 2 12VDC plugs to power my lamp.
Q1. How would I wire it so I only had 1 12VDC plug?
Q2. What would I have to buy?
A way I think it might work is if I got another power jack exactly the same as the one that came with the clap activated switch kit, and then the 12VDC plug I have now goes into there. Then on the bottom of that I attach 4 wires (2 positive and 2 negitive). A positive and negitive than go to the SK2 on the board and then the other 2 wires go to power the circuit.