Mk139 help

I have assembled the mk139 kit. The clap light stays on always. I checked everything and noticed I had swapped VR1 and VR2. So I switched them. The clap light is still stuck on. Perhaps I damaged something when VR1 and VR2 were swapped? I measured the 9V output and it measures as 3.9V. The 5V measures only as 4.1V.

Any ideas what to check next or what to replace?


If VR1 and VR2 have been swapped, then the µ-controller is surely defective, as it has received 8Vdc instead of 5Vdc. Probably, the fastest and cheapest way for you to get a spare processor it simple getting another kit. Furthermore, by doing so, you will have some more spare parts at hand in case another assembly problem shows up. An alternative is returning the processor so we can invoice a spare processor, but keep in mind that sending out a spare processor can be more expensive than getting a second kit, this depends on your location. I’m sure you’ll agree that this cannot be treated as a warranty case :slight_smile: