MK125 not working as expected

After assembling the MK125 kit it doesn’t do what I was expecting.
My expectation was: when it’s dark and the relay is off then when it becomes light the relay is switched on.

I have checked and double checked the parts and their position and polarity and checked all the soldering to be ok.

I have recorded a video to show you what happens:
What you can see in the video is that the kit is powered off. The trimmer RV1 is fully counterclockwise. I power on the kit and slowly rotate the trimmer clockwise until the led is on and the relay clicks.
I then cover the LDR completely (making it dark) and I would expect the led and relay to switch off. But nothing happens.

Here are pictures of my kit: … 112258.jpg … 112329.jpg

Do I have the wrong expectations or did I do something wrong?
Hope you can help,
Rob Bastiaansen

A couple of troubleshooting hints:

Measure between GND and pin 13: should be adjustable between 0 and the power supply voltage minus a diode drop.
If not, check RV1 path.
Measure between GND and pin 12: voltage should vary a couple of volts between dark and light.
If not, check R1, LDR, R6, D2, R5, R4, C3 path.

If both are OK, swap LM324

Thanks for your quick response.

Measure between GND and pin 13: should be adjustable between 0 and the power supply voltage minus a diode drop.

Works fine

Measure between GND and pin 12: voltage should vary a couple of volts between dark and light.

It goes up do about 8v and then drops to 0 when dark.
I have checked the placement of the named parts and they all seem to be OK.

If both are OK, swap LM324

Can try that, but which one do I need? There’s a few in the web shop where I usually buy parts.
I found the same manufacturer: ST MicroElectronics
But then there is choice between four types, does it matter which one or will each LM324N work?

Any 324 should work.

Hi there !

Before swapping the LM 324 IC, you could also try this:

1: Adjust RV 1 until the relay goes off / the LED goes out, at the actual lighting conditions.

2: After this, it’s time to cover up the LDR-sensor - be patient ! - and the LED should come on

after a looong time.

3: Next, you remove the tube, and the LED should go off again, after a while.

( The chosen component-values gives quite a long reaction time of the circuit ).