Hi, Just built an MK125 kit. It switches on when the LDR is covered but the light cycles on and off approx every two seconds.
Have tried 12V and 9V power sources to the power jack, both work equally.
Power source to the light is 12V car battery. Load from the halogen dichroic light (12V/20W) is not more than 1.5amps.
The led does not appear to light up either!
Don’t know why the led wouldn’t light but with very careful adjustment of the rheostat the cycling went away.
In the end I accidently fried the unit and so must go get get another. I want to use it to operate an external 12V security light but suspect it’s not robust enough… :shock: :?
That’s correct. I was in the middle of wiring up that configuration when I accidentally put the main power source (from a 100ah 12V solar-charged battery) through the unit, roasting it.
Amazing how little useful stuff is out there at affordable prices for the 12V (i.e., solar) crowd. That’s why this little kit got me curious. I doubt it’s strong/stable enough for what I have in mind, but it was a good experience.
The kit is fine. The reason you fried it is because you’ve probably shorted the battery trough the kit and it probably burned some PCB tracks. No circuit withstands such abuse
The output relay can handle 3A, so a 12V lightbulb of up to 36W can be connected.