I have a MK124 where the first 4 diodes from right on the upper row and the whole center columt dont work. I have checked the solderings, and it dont seem to be a problem.
Is it possible to get the schematics for this? That would make it a lot easier for me to troubleshoot.
I put the microcontroller in a programmer and tried to read from it, here is what i got:
When i tried the microcontroller in the kit afterwards, nothing happened, so the controller seems to be damaged. Is it possible to buy a new microcontroller from you or get the hex file on email so i can program a new one myself?
It would also be great to have the schematics for the kit.
I have send you the schematic by mail.
You can’t readout our programmed PIC’s, they are protected.
We do not destribute source or HEX code’s from our designs.
If you need a new controller, you must send us first the defective one by post or order a complete new minikit at your local dealer.