MK111 Interval Timer Module

I would like to know if I can change the parameters of the kit MK111 to the followings:

(1) Pulse time adjustable : Between 1 minute to 30 minutes
(2) Pause time adjustable : Between 1 minute to 30 minutes


(1) Pulse time adjustable : Between 0.5s to 5s
(2) Pause time adjustable : Between 2.5s to 60s.

It appears that if I change C1, C3, R1, R2, RV1 and RV2 to a suitable value, I can obtain the above parameter.

I really need your valued advices and help to go forward with this modification. Please let me have the proper modification value of the components so that I can arrive to the above parameter.

Thanking you for your usual cooperation and coordination.

I’m sorry, but we can’t make calculations at customers request and do not support modifications.
At following link you can find a datasheet: