MK103 - No sound action

I’ve bought a bunch of these but I keep screwing them up or something. Is it possible to run the lights in series off of the + of LD1 and to the - of LD4 via extensions?
When I attach 1 LED on the line it lights up but then when I series more in the chain they are don’t light up and when I do have the 1 working it’s not pulsing to the sound.

Hoping to extend the mic and LED’s via CAT5 lines to wear on cloths. Thanks! ~J

From what could see in the schematics this should work.
Could you post a picture of the solder side?

Thanks a bunch for taking a look at it.
Here’s the back.

Here’s an image of 1 LED working while bypassing the series. It works but no response to sound.

The soldering looks a little rough.
You may want to reflow the solder and remove the excess leads.
The one LED that is on, Is it on all of the time?

I can’t tell but it looks like the second LED might be in backwards could you jumper over it.

Dam, you should see my other solder jobs. They are way worse.
Got the LED’s to work just by moving it around but it doesn’t want to respond to sound. There’s an open un-used connection below the trimmer. Should I be doing something with that? Thanks again!

I did hit them one more time with the iron real quick.

I will need to dig mine out and see if I can find the problem.
It may be tomorrow before I can get back to you.
However with the pictures you have up here maybe someone else will take a look at it.

There are a lot of great folks up here that want to help.


It looks like you may have a short in the middle of the board.
Its a lead that was not trimmed.

Hope this helps.

Cool thanks. I did go back and trim those down a bit more. Tuff with my big ass wire cutters. Didn’t change. Hoping to getting these setup for a big concert on Saturday. The Lysergian Sound Diplomats (LSD Band) going to be lit up! =)

Wait a sec! Might be working after all… Seems to work on my white LEDs I bought separately but the reds just shine bright. Crazy! Is there warm up time or something with these units?

—Just tried another one and same thing. It lights up but no sound activity. Could I have something backwards, maybe the electrolytic capacitor? This is 5 of 6 kits that have the same issue. Solder job has been getting better and looks clean. Maybe a bad set manufactured?
Again thanks for the help! ~J

OK! Figured it out. I suck at soldering is the bottom line.
Thanks for the help. Now I’m much better at soldering. Took me 6 tries to get one perfect first time.

Ok, thanks for the information! Soldering looked bad indeed but not that bad. But you see: take no risk and just try to solder perfectly and you won’t have any problem. :wink:

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Glad to hear you got it working…

Enjoy :slight_smile:

I was having similar problems with this board. I’ve had it in a drawer for almost four years. I would touch the leads to the transistors with my fingers and the leds would light up. I thought there was a problem with the microphone or a different component. I even checked continuity with a multimeter. Re-did the solder joints with a high gage solder and low wattage iron heating the leads and plates and trying to achieve those shiny volcano shaped solder joint on every joint. That did the trick.

Ah yes, the art of soldering can help a lot! :slight_smile: