Mk 133

How do I couple two MK 133 kits making an 8-player board?


Check the board carefully, it has printing that explains how to do it:

Connections 1, 2 and 3 (next to SW1) are put in parallel).
Power a single board.

[quote=“VEL417”]Check the board carefully, it has printing that explains how to do it:

Connections 1, 2 and 3 (next to SW1) are put in parallel).
Power a single board.[/quote]

Thank you!

  • and two more questions! :smiley:

:arrow_right: Is it possible to integrate a device that plays a sound when users press a button?

:arrow_right: Can I add more LEDs than just one (in parallel) that lights up when a button is pressed?


  1. Yes, if you connect it to the quizmaster lamp output (indicated on the board).
    Sorry, no such circuit.

  2. Yes, if you respect the max. current indicated on the board.