Missing NTC for Extreuder head

Almost there ā€¦ :slight_smile:

However the NTC for the extruder head appears to be missing.
I appear to have the heater block with extra hole so I believe I need (what the manual calls) the larger NTC. i.e. the one with the leads emanating from each end (looks very like a typical zenner diode)

I have requested a replacement from my dealer but that is likely to take a few weeks

I was hoping I might be able to source locally from Maplin

Does anybody know the spec/size/part number of this NTC ?

Nice long weekend coming up and was hoping to printing by the end of it !!


Look in the plastic box with the control board in - Iā€™m sure mine was in there in a plastic bag.

Actually just spotted this here
store.open-electronics.org/inde ā€¦ =NTC104LAF

NTC thermistor 100 kohm indicated for the measurement of temperatures up to 250 Ā° C. Ideal for detecting the temperature of the heating section of a 3D printer or a heated plate. Sensitivity: 4066K, thermal coefficient: 4.5% / Ā° C, dimensions (mm): 1.8 x 3.6 diameter, length terminals: 28 mm.

Wonder if Maplin have such a beast ?

will check again tks

In case anybody else is looking, this is the info I got from dealer:

" you can use a generic NTC100K with the same dimension.
Please refer to futurashop.it/index.php?rou ā€¦ ct_id=6630 on our site.
This is a standard part that you could find into an electronic shop.

The part number is NTC104LAF (mouser.it/ProductDetail/Hone ā€¦ wzAGnbc%3d) "

I found it also on farnell (looks different but seems to have same characteristics)
ie.farnell.com/honeywell-s-c-fen ā€¦ EYWELL-STR


To all 3D printer operators, (K8200). If you find that you are missing/or have damaged any parts, follow this link theelectronicsshop.co.uk . I only found this web site, after I snapped off the nozzle while I was constructing the hot end (Yes I applied to much force). After 3 days of searching the UK for a supplier, I gave it one last try. I phoned Maplins they could not help, but advised me to go to Velleman.co.uk. Which I believe are Vellemans main distributor in the UK. This web site has very good selection of spares, and well worth a visit.