Missing configuration for VERTEX Repetier-Host V1.0.6?

Hello all,

I have a new Vertex K8400 printer. For printing I downloaded the Vertex 3D printer Repetier Host 1.0.6 from the Velleman Vertex 3D Printer download page and installed it.
In the Velleman documentation it says, you have to use the Cura slicer engine with a printer configuration of either VERTEX SINGLE HEAD or VERTEX DUAL HEAD.
My problem is, I can not select this printer configurations, because there is only a default configuration which I think is insufficient.
Do I miss something? Do I have to load something? In the documentation I could not found anything about loading a configuration. I also could find any configuration file in the download package.

Any Help?


do you have administrive rights on that PC?

The profiles won’t copy over to the correct folder if you don’t have administrator rights

Best Regards

Good hint! Thanks!

I’m not working with administrative account.

I logged in to the Administrator account and there it was!

I copied the local configuration and anything in registry from the administrator account to my user account and voila, it works!


glad to hear its working =)

Best Regards