Mini kit MK129

Mini Kit MK129
Having successfully built many of your kits previously I now find a small problem with the crawling micro bug.
All works well on one speed but on the speed where sw2 connects T1 to T5, motor 1 pulses correctly while motor 2 runs at a full constant speed.
I have tested and looked for possible errors in construction but all seems well.
Can you please help, thank you

Still, there must be an assembly problem or defective component.
Sorry, this forum does not allow picture uploads
If you can provide LINKS (e.g. by using a free online picture base) to HI-RES and SHARP pics of your assembly (both solder- and component side)
then we can take a look and provide some feedback.

I have exactly the same problem - can’t work out what the issue is - Is it a specific component? One motor pulses (as it should) and the other is fully on (or off) and does not react to the speed pot.

Once again:
Sorry, this forum does not allow picture uploads
If you can provide LINKS (e.g. by using a free online picture base) to HI-RES and SHARP pics of your assembly (both solder- and component side)
then we can take a look and provide some feedback.