Migration to Breadboard

Hi All,
I have been playing around with the Demo2.asm sample file which works perfectly on the K8048 board. However when i try to move the pic onto a breadboard, i can’t for the life of me get it to work.
The PIN Configuration is as below;

6 RB0 (LED 1)
7 RB1 (LED 2)
8 RB2 (LED 3)
9 RB3 (LED 4)
10 RB4 (LED 5)
11 RB5 (LED 6)
14 VDD
17 RA0 (Button 1)
18 RA1 (Button 2)
1 RA2 (Button 3)
2 RA3 (Button 4)

Does anyone know if that is right? Better yet does anyone have a circuit diagram for it?

Thank for the help in advance.


you don’t refer to a crystal…

The demo file is set up to use the crystal (X1) and caps (C6 & 7) onboard the K8048 and that is specified in the program, in green, here:

__CONFIG _BODEN_ON & _CP_OFF & _DATA_CP_OFF & _PWRTE_ON & _WDT_OFF & _LVP_OFF & _MCLRE_ON & [color=green]_XT_OSC[/color]

You will need to put one side of both the caps to ground, the other sides one to each pin of the crystal and then to pins OSC1 (pin 16) & OSC2 (pin 15)


Sorry i should have been more informative. I have changed the chip to the PIC16f628A and have selected the internal oscillator and the changes work perfectly on the K8048.

What i am after is some sort of wiring diagram or pin configuration for moving the circuit including the 4 buttons and 6 LED’s across to a breadboard.

Thanks Again,


I had a play with Cadsoft Eagle and did a wiring diagram for you…but unfortunately, I/we cannot attach files within this forum and there is no opportunity to alter the extension within the free version of Eagle.

Attempting to fool Photobucket with changed file extensions and attaching an image link doesn’t work either, so here goes…

Using your existing post as a guide, RA0 thru RA3 are switched to ground through NO (Normally Open) switches, but have pull-up resistors (10k) going to ground between the PIC pins & the switch inputs.

RB0 thru RB5 are connected to the anode lead of the LED’s through 680 Ohm limiting resistors, the Cathodes going to ground.

VSS goes to ground.

VDD is fed 5V through a Voltage Reg.

OSC1 & OSC2 - ignore as you are using INTOSC.

Have a look at the datasheet for the PIC you are using (The same sheet covers 627, 628, 648)

Also, look at the schematic for the K8048 board…you have it with the build instructions, but you can also download it here:

velleman.be/downloads/0/illu … 8_rev4.pdf

Hey Mickster,
I wired up the breadboard like you said but it still refused to work. It turns out you need a 3K3 resistor going between +5v and Vpp (PIN 4). It now works perfectly, thank you very much for your help.


[quote=“jhorsburgh”]…turns out you need a 3K3 resistor going between +5v and Vpp (PIN 4).


Well spotted. :lol:

Happy programming.
