Just got the K8200. after trying to get the bed and extruder to heat up, i was guided to the thermistor. I tried to re-solder it and the one end of the thermistor would take solder. after trying repeatedly to re-solder, I wore away the little gold terminal on the heat bed where the thermistor lays. can i get another heat bed with that thing soldered on already. I don’t want to melt another heat bed. I like the red ones
Well, you can, but if i were to exchange the heatbed PCB i’d get a MK3 Aluminum heatplate.
But you will have to make new mounting parts anyway.
I would try to solder a piece od wire to the traces to fix it first.
Is this the one?
amazon.com/RepRap-Heatbed-Al … B00TCL9OR8
Yes, exactly!
But beware that the mounting is quite different from the stock heatbed.
It’s not a drop in replacement.
Just came in the mail. Hmmmmm, would it be better to get a different PS? Not sure if the PS that came with K8200 is big enough. I will have to do more research.
It surely is not.
I highly recommend at least 24v 150w (check what your heatbed needs) as a secondary supply just for the heatbed.
The stock supply is too weak for powering both the headbed and extruder ath the same time sufficiently.
But for the extruder and board alone it’s enough.
yes, that’s what i learned. Stock PS is to small. There is so much info out there its easy to get lost. What im trying to figue out now is how to controll it in the software.
You won’t need any changes in the software for using a secondary supply for the heatbed.
Just connect it via a “power commander” like circuit or a relay circuit, controlled via the heatbed output of the controller.
Look here for additional info : viewtopic.php?f=51&t=15539&hilit=+relay#p72093