Measuring battery amps, damage to multimeter?

I have a Velleman DVM1200 multimeter and I have quite little experience about using any multimeters.

I recently tried to measure amps of an old 4LR44 (6 volt) battery and didn’t get any reasonable readings. The red cable was plugged to the 10A in the multimeter.

Is it possible that this could have made damage the multimeter? I was told afterwards that amps can not be measured this way. The battery was old, so it was not anymore fully charged.

What was your setup for measuring the amps?

Red cable was inserted to 10A and the black cable to the COM. Then I pressed SELECT button to choose DCA if remember correctly.

when measuring amps, the multimeter resistance is almost 0 ohm so you just shorted the battery

Ok, so there is no need to worry that the multimeter could have been damaged?

Yes the DMM could be “damaged”, but did you check the fuse in the DMM?
Because you shorted the battery a huge current went trough the wires.

The fuse was okay.

Can you post pictures of the DMM,setup and the inside of the DMM?

It is not a good idea to measure ‘battery amps’ with a multimeter set to ‘amps’, without a load in series.