I finished assembling my K8400 with two nozzles and the display is showing maxtemp error (739/0) for one of the nozzles.
After disconnecting the thermistor and heater the temp falls to 109/0 ,when I think it should drop to 0/0 like the working one.
Can anyone think of a cause of this problem, and what to do about it?
Firmware problem?
Bad connection somewhere?
Thermistor broken/short cut?
It should show a temperature of (room temp/set temp) so (25/0) if it is 25 C where the printer is and it isn’t operational.
Just to be sure, the printer head is not warm is it?
Do you mean that when there are no connection between the thermistor, heater and the screw terminals, then the temperature reading is still 109/0 ? or do you mean after reconnecting the wires? Did you try to reset the board, by pressing the reset switch?
Not that I think this could be your problem, as it wouldn’t lead to that error, but also be very sure that you have the thermistor placed correctly in the heater block, there have been several issues with people not getting it it right, leading to broken parts. (The thermistor is not necessarily in the middle of the white “fabric” sleeve, you really need to feel where it is, and be careful not to confuse the solder points with the thermistor)
[quote=“dawe”]After disconnecting the thermistor and heater the temp falls to 109/0 ,when I think it should drop to 0/0 like the working one.[/quote]Did you disconnect it from the controller board or from the U shaped PCB on the heads holder? If it’s the latest then disconnect from the controller board. If the reading is still greater than 0 then you have an issue with the controller board.
I must have an Issue with the controler board as you surgested.
Just to make shore I mounted the second nozzle head in the first ones position and then it works fine.
I have also installed the latest firmeware (for 2 extr) just to make shore that’s not the problem.
Do I need to get some spare parts from Velleman.
And what part do I need to replace to make it work?
(in what order?)
Extruder board?
Main board?
The driver boards
or something else?
Are there any way to test to save time?
As I’m still abel to print with one extruder I don’t like to spent to much time with rebuilding.
It’s the main controller board you’ll have to replace. Send a ticket to Velleman’s support explaining your issue (go to [color=#408040]http://support.velleman.eu/[/color]). But they’ll probably ask you to send the board back for inspection.