Just ordered a WFS210 and am awaiting delivery. As a total newcomer to Oscilloscopes I have a few simple questions before I learn more. I want to be able to measure ripple on the output of a power supply and therefore I need to know the maximum voltage that can be accepted by the WFS210. The online manual says “The maximum input voltage for the connections of the unit stands at 30Vp (AC+DC)” but also says “We advise the user to use a measuring probe equipped with a X10 setting when high or unknown voltages or high impedances need to be measured”. I was wondering if, with a 10x probe, voltages in excess of 30V (not sure what the ‘p’ stands for - is it 'peak?) could be measured?
When buying, I thought that a probe was included but reading the manual I get the impression that I will need to buy my own probe - is that correct?
Sorry about these very basic questions but could not find definitive answers anywhere.