Can i get anywhere, an update manual containing all the latest commands that version 3 of the dll contains. So far i’ve seen 2 new commands not listed in any manual
they are
is there any more Please (i’m coding in VB2005).Also is there a way to display this stuff in the object browser of Visual Studio 2005
I think you mean K8055D.DLL.
You’ll find the manual from the downloads site.
Download package
There you’ll find the document MAN_UK_K8055_DLL_V2.pdf.
On page 11 the new functions are described.
I knew the name of the commands, as they were listed in a dependancy walker (VB6 CD), but i didn’t know their parameters
Just a quick note, these boards seem a good, low cost way of getting IO on a PC (or laptop), please keep up the good work.
Wish list!
Is it possible (in the future) to get a callback from the card when digital inputs has changed state. I know i can write it myself.
Is there a preformance hit difference between Openning a card, issuing a command and closing it, or just using the setcurrentcard (i know of the 10ms sample rate, but does this include setcurrentcard,open,close,etc ) I’m having to write a control myself to handle dual cards which means keep track of the current card and which card i need next
Nice that you like the I/O features of the K8055 card.
The answer to your first question is yes, maybe in the future.
The answer to the second question is:
Use SetCurrentDevice to switch the control between the cards.
Using CloseDevice() and OpenDevice (0) takes much more time.
Below there are oscilloscope traces showing the difference.
Trace 1 shows the digital output 1 of card #0 and trace 2 shows the digital output 1 of card #1.
Here the SetCurrentDevice is used.
The complete procedure in Borland C++Builder was:
SetCurrentDevice (0);
SetCurrentDevice (1);
SetCurrentDevice (0);
SetCurrentDevice (1);
The latency to set the digital output of the second card is 2ms.
Here the CloseDevice and OpenDevice are used:
The complete procedure in Borland C++Builder was:
SetCurrentDevice (0);
SetCurrentDevice (1);
OpenDevice (0);
OpenDevice (1);
The latency to set the digital output of the second card is 18ms.
i’m going to create a .Net control (written in VB2005) which will build a layer over you DLL to handle multi cards. My question is which in you experience is the best method to handle the cards.
I could either have 4 instances of the DLL, 1 for each card
I could handle 4 cards with 1 instance of the DLL.
I think that if you control the 4 cards from one program then better to handle all cards with 1 instance of the DLL.
Sorry but I have no experience of using multiple instances…