
Hello good days. Is an advanced manual of this oscilloscope possible? The manual that it brings is very small. Thank you very much

Sorry, there is no other manual available.
The supplied manual lists all features of the scope, however, it does not learn how to use a scope and what the purpose of the different items are.
Please check the EDU06 manual and movies for more info regarding the HPS140.

Thank you very much

The available - short - version of the HPS140 Manual is ok. But for people like me it would be very convenient, if there was a little, short description of the menu points on the extended menu page, i.e. Trigger etc. Just a few hints, what I could do with that and what its good for. That would help a lot. Not much. Just for understanding. So that I can estimate, whether it’s important for me or not. It gives a better impression of what is possible with the HPS140 (I’m an owner).

It would probably not exceed more than a few sentences - I guess.

Just a suggestion.


Sorry, the supplied manual is mainly intended to explain the features of the scope, not to learn the basics of a scope.
Please have a look at the EDU06 movies on YouTube, they show you how to use the HPS140.