Mac OSX Support


Im new here and just builded my own K8400 this weekend, I’m a mac user and im missing vellemans standard settings becaus they dont may software for mac yet. My question is if anyone can share vellemans standard setting prefferly for Cura because thats the software i’m goten the best prints from so far but still they are a bit stringy.



I finished building my K8400 and would like to control it with my macbook.

Could anyone provide me his Cura Configurations for mac osx.

Is it possible to configure repetier-host on mac with a configuration file too?

Thank you in advance.


I finished building my K8400 and would like to control it with my macbook.

Could anyone provide me his Cura Configurations for mac osx.

Is it possible to configure repetier-host on mac with a configuration file too?

Thank you in advance.[/quote]

You don’t need the Velleman version of Reperier Host. I downloaded Repetier-Host ver 1.0.6 from the Repetier website and it works just fine with the K8200 on my PC. That version supports two extruders.

The Repetier website says they support OS X 10.5 and higher for the MAC. Google “Repetier-Host MAC”

Why would the config files for cura and slic3r be different for PC and MAC? They are not Operating System specific.


I finished building my K8400 and would like to control it with my macbook.

Could anyone provide me his Cura Configurations for mac osx.

Is it possible to configure repetier-host on mac with a configuration file too?

Thank you in advance.[/quote]

You don’t need the Velleman version of Reperier Host. I downloaded Repetier-Host ver 1.0.6 from the Repetier website and it works just fine with the K8200 on my PC. That version supports two extruders.

The Repetier website says they support OS X 10.5 and higher for the MAC. Google “Repetier-Host MAC”

Why would the config files for cura and slic3r be different for PC and MAC? They are not Operating System specific.[/quote]

I already installed repetier-host but don’t have any specific configurations, that’s why I’m asking. I know that the repetier host PC version from vertex Website includes already all settings so you can start printing, including settings for cura and for the machine nozzle and more. I’ve seen a dropbox link in this thread but the link didnt exist any longer.

I dont know which configurations should be done to have the same results as the PC Version.

I totally agree with artcominio. I do to use the repetier version with the original Velleman settings file On my pc.

My 2 cents:
Mac OSx is a very small minority of users, most hobby techies don’t have one either (for various reasons)
So I can understand repetier/Velleman/and any other developer in the whole freeware/open-source 3d printing scene they go for the biggest group of users first and afterwards help out the very small group.

So I’d think you’d better of trying to get stuff working on your own instead of waiting and wasting away untill they build a decent version specially for vertex OSx users.
Try downloading the pc version and extract using a unzip tool like 7zip on pc… Their will be the configuration file somewhere. Otherwise I’ll upload them this night and post a link.

Kind regards

So I’d think you’d better of trying to get stuff working on your own instead of waiting and wasting away untill they build a decent version specially for vertex OSx users.
Try downloading the pc version and extract using a unzip tool like 7zip on pc… Their will be the configuration file somewhere. Otherwise I’ll upload them this night and post a link.

Kind regards

Would be great. Thank you in advance.

So I’d think you’d better of trying to get stuff working on your own instead of waiting and wasting away untill they build a decent version specially for vertex OSx users.
Try downloading the pc version and extract using a unzip tool like 7zip on pc… Their will be the configuration file somewhere. Otherwise I’ll upload them this night and post a link.

Kind regards

Would be great. Thank you in advance.[/quote]

Don’t forget that the Slic3r and Cura configuration files are printer dependent, not Operating System dependent. I built a K8200 for a friend. I got it working on using my PC, and then he connected it to his MAC and used the same Slic3r configuration file. He made his own personal changes to it of course, but the PC file worked fine on the MAC.

My opinion is that Cura is better for most jobs than Slic3r, and certainly much faster. I only use Slic3r for hollow vases, which I don’t think Cura handles as well. Unfortunately, the last MAC version I downloaded of Repetier Host was not bundled with Cura. That was a year ago, so please check if there is a later version that includes Cura so you can experiment with both Cura and Slic3r.

My 7zip approach is BS, I had to use innounp to decompress the files as its a inno Setup package (I’m bored at work)

These are the custom “velleman” settings for the Cura slicer thats included in RepetierHost
ABS Profile
PLA Profile

Vertex Dual Head profile

Vertex Single Head profile

These are the repetier settings which are stored in the windows registery but reading the file and manual setting the prefference accordingly should work for your OSX repetier version
File custom1.ini

[code]; Customization file to modify the host the way wanted
; Put a semicolon befor ethe option to use default behaviour


; The push message hint gets disabled after some time on it’s own. You can fore it disabled with
; this setting.

; Removes the Stopbits/Parity settings from Printer settings

; Remove dispose area settings

; Remove homing to max direction option

; Distances for the arrows in move panel for x and y direction
; Distances to move in z direction
; Distances for extrusion

; Most boards can’t turn the main power on/off so you can remove that button

; Remove the bed measureement menu entry

; Include or remove skeinforge

; Don’t include testgenerator

; Remove connection related views

extraSupportText=“Ask Repetier”
; How long to show the splash screen, 0 = off

; ========= Do not change anything below this line - it will invalidate the file ==============
; Name ofthe folder in the registry where values are stored. Default is repetier
; From where do we get information about updates

; Remove update check completely

; Link to download page

; You can add a name to the basic host name, e.g. if the host is specialized for
; a certain printer.

; Additions to about dialog


Kind Regards

Ouch repetier host hasn’t got cura bundled in the osx edition? Well… That’s crap and makes the cura profiles pretty obsolete in that case… Erm take the profiles as basic information for setting up slic3r maybe? But the MacBook does looks fancy next to the printer :slight_smile:

But if your really desperate I don’t wanna even suggest actually but i’m gonna to anyway.
Maybe Try installing boot camp and running Windows on the Mac or install VirtualBox and install a Windows 7 host and install the sweet and awesome windows version of repetier host inside that host and slice your files there and save on sdcard and print that way (I don’t think USB support will work out of the box)

Kind regards

[quote=“jeafke”]Ouch repetier host hasn’t got cura bundled in the osx edition? Well… That’s crap and makes the cura profiles pretty obsolete in that case… Erm take the profiles as basic information for setting up slic3r maybe? But the MacBook does looks fancy next to the printer :slight_smile:

But if your really desperate I don’t wanna even suggest actually but i’m gonna to anyway.
Maybe Try installing boot camp and running Windows on the Mac or install VirtualBox and install a Windows 7 host and install the sweet and awesome windows version of repetier host inside that host and slice your files there and save on sdcard and print that way (I don’t think USB support will work out of the box)

Kind regards

Thank you anyways… I will try to get the right information out of the files.

I was using Virtualbox with Win7 first but the FTDI Drivers caused errors and the macbook restarted each time I mounted the port on VirtualBox. That’s why I was looking for the Mac OSX Workaround.

I don’t know if you would be interested.

Have you thought about OctPrint on a Raspberry Pi?
I have one installed on my K8200 and it has Cura for the slicer.
I have one on my 8400 as well but have not configured Cura yet.
With this configuration you can drop the STL file into OctoPrint and Cura will slice it.
You can also install a Web Cam and watch and control it from your phone, tablet or computer.

This would be awesome to run the k8400 with octoprint.

[quote=“Wrong Way”]
I have one on my 8400 as well but have not configured Cura yet.[/quote]

Have you figured out the configuration?
I am trying to get this baby working :slight_smile:


FYI: I’m now using Cura (the program) on Mac osx. Works fine now on the first extruder. Cura export to SD-card, and then printing from SD-card.
Still having a problem on the second extruder (not enough material extruded), but this is probably not Cura-related. Have to check the extrusion-parameters in the Vertex.

I find it more elegant than working in my virtual Windows-environment.


I just finalised building my first 3D Printer - The K8400 took me about 15 hours of hard work. Everything looks like its working like a charm so farm. But getting it to print something was a bit more difficult that I had anticipated. I’m using a Mac…

So basically I have PLA filament, and would like to print something. Let’s say the Vertex logo.

I’ve installed the Repetier-Host Mac (v0.56) and Slic3r (v1.2.9). And I’ve installed Cura.

But not sure what settings to add to any of the software solutions. Can someone help? Is there a tutorial anywhere that explain how to set the settings manually?

I am using a Mac with Cura to print from a K8400 but am too lazy transferring files using SD cards, besides all new Macbooks Pro don’t have SD card slots anyway. So, I print from USB instead. You can do that by going into “Machine Settings” under Machine to set Serial Port to AUTO and Baudrate to 250000 (somehow if you leave this to AUTO Cura could not detect the port).

I wonder if there is any difference in quality between printing from SD card and USB.

I haven’t noticed any difference.
Most of it is up to the slicer.

EDIT - Having figured this out, Cura then updated their software with a complete change to the settings so you may have to do a little work to figure this out. I’d be really interested in any changes people make to get this to work well.

If anyone is interested, this post was really helpful in configuring CURA for Mac OS. It also links through to a Dutch site which translates fairly well in Google Translate. This got me up and running on my Mac.
