When I’m trying to load the filament, printer starts heating and platform moves to certain position, but doe not feed any filament at all.
I checked the feeder-steppermotor and this is functioning ok. When connecting the printer with the software and feeding the filament there, X and Y-axis is moving a little and when I repeat these step, nothing happens anymore.
I replaced the driver for EXT1 on the PCB, but this not solve the problem.
[quote=“V3Lighting”]When I’m trying to load the filament, printer starts heating and platform moves to certain position[/quote]This is normal.
[quote=“V3Lighting”]but doe not feed any filament at all.[/quote]It only does when the heater is reaching the right temperature. It can happen that the blowing fans prevent the heater to reach the necessary temperature : check if the 2 temperatures match on the LCD.
Is the feeder pulley correctly aligned so it pushes on the filament ?
when you reach the correct temperature, do the feeder motor start to work for 30 sec at high speed and then slow speed about the same time?
What about the cables to the motor. Have you confused ext 1 and 2?
How did you check the motor? Have you tried swapping one of the other motors with the extruder motor ?
It’s probably a stepper driver issue. Did you check the reference voltages of the Ext1 driver?
You can also swap 2 of the modules to check if the problem moves with it;
[quote=“V3Lighting”]I swapped the stepper driver with I spare one I had for EXT-2 (not installed). Did not solve the problem.[/quote]Do it with one you’re certain is working (the X or Y one).