When I powered up my K8400 printer for the first time the LCD display lit up but there was no text message. I rotated the trimmer on the LCD to change the contrast but still no text.
I plugged in the USB as the power source, the screen lit up but still no text.
I double checked all the wires (I also checked the reset button and fan wire and they are not switched)
I continued with the start up guide without the LCD display. I used "Arduino to load “Merlin” with no error messages but still no text.
I started “VERTEX 3D PRINTER Repetier-Host” and I could see the temperature. After this I could not continue with the start up guide due to that the LCD display wont show any text.
I switched all 1.5A DRIVER BOARD’s in every possible combination but still no text. I also removed all the 1.5A DRIVER BOARD’s and powered it up, but still no text.
I also removed all the wires except the power supply and the flatcable but still not text the screen just lights up.
I hope maybe someone can shed some light over this issue.
Yes I am sure :,(
It looks like the trimmer rotates about 225 degrees left to right, I can see that the background changes slightly the pixels become darker. But there is no sign of the text.
btw at what clockwise end is the text most visible?
I am using the third picture now as my troubleshooting setup because the the motherboard should send text to the LCD without the other cables interfering right?
There was some one else having a similar problem.
He removed all of the driver cards and the display came on.
He then put them back one at a time powering down each time and his problem was solved.
I tried switching the driver boards, using my third picture as troubleshooting setup.
I switched all the driver boards with each other,trimmed the contrast back and forth at every start up. I removed all driver boards and powered it up. And then I put the driver boards back one at the time and I also switched all driver board so they have moved from top to bottom.
And then i repeated these steps using the USB as the power source.
The problem still remains.
The screen lights up, but no text appear on the LCD screen.
I hooked up everything to the motherboard. The screen lights up but no text. And then I used VERTEX 3D PRINTER Repetier-Host to nudge the printer in every direction. Everything looks fine and operational. I dont think this is recommended but I must exclude every troubleshooting possibility.
This must mean that the LCD/SD Card reader is defective right?
It would be helpful if someone posted the contact information to Velleman (europe region) if anyone else encounter this similar issue.