K8403 led module doesn't work


I bought the k8403 led module and installed it but it doesn’t work at all.
My vertex firmware version is 1.4 with double head.
I checked al my solder and measured the components but i can’t find anything wrong?
Can somebody help me with my problem?

I’ve none myself but maybe can help anyway.

Can you take a picture of the led board, both up and bottom side of it?

I don’t know how to put foto’s on this forum?

You can post it on a free hosting website and put the link up here.

While we waiting for the pics,
have you checked the wires to the led?
There are 2 different kind of cables to the led.

And you’re sure you put the diodes on the LED-controler correctly?

Yes, i checked the wires and diodes and al seems right.
I have a other problem too; i have installed a second printhead which doesn’t work either.
Maybe a firmware problem? (software version 1.4 dual head)

I can load and unload filament from extruder 2 with my lcd display but i can’t print with the repertier host software.
If i print with the repertier host software and select extruder 2, extruder 1 starts printing.
(If have select dual head printer and extruder 2 in the repertier host software)
Forgive my bad english; not my common language.

For the extruder problem I had the same thing. Its a easy fix just use single head printer in repetier znd select extruder 2 before you slice. Problem was solved for me like that.

For the led strips I have the same problem everthing seems right but it doesn’t work. I installed a flexible led strip I bought somewhere ( don’t remember where ) it is 12v I connected this to my second power supply I use for the heatbed. This works fine for me just need to install a switch to be able to turn it on and off. And not disconecting the complete power supply.

It’s strange that you have the same problems like me?
Maybe it is time voor Velleman to respond; i want my led strips to work.
How do you print with both extruders on the same time?

A picture may allow someone to spot a problem.

Do you still have the Problem or did you solved it?

Because I had the same Problem but I figured it out. The Instructions in the instructions manual (http://www.velleman.eu/downloads/0/assembly/assemblymanual_k8403_en.pdf) are in one point not correct.

I checked the cable polarity of the 4 wires that goes up to the LED - Strips.
And the instruction how to solder the white cables to the colored cables is wrong on Side 7, Option A, fig. 15.
It sayes that we had to solder the white cables…

But this is NOT CORRECT! Its mixed up with the instruction for the other connector. (fig. 15 B)

Because on fig. 15A there is shown that the connector (the one I have) has following setting:
→ White short-dottet Line is VSS (GND) so it MUST be soldered to the BLACK cable
→ White X-marked Line is G (Green) so it MUST be soldered to the GREEN cable
→ White long-dotted Line is R (Red) so it MUST be soldered to the RED cable
→ White blank Line is B (Blue) so it MUST be soldered to the BLUE cable

On fig. 15B there is shown that the other connector has following setting:
→ White short-dottet Line is B (Blue) so it MUST be soldered to the BLUE cable
→ White X-marked Line is R (Red) so it MUST be soldered to the RED cable
→ White long-dotted Line is G (Green) so it MUST be soldered to the GREEN cable
→ White blank Line is VSS (GND) so it MUST be soldered to the BLACK cable

When you solder it that way and you connect the colored cables in the terminals as shown on fig. 22, then it will work!
I hope, this will be helpful?

best regards

Thanks a lot, for this post. It would help if the Velleman support staff updates the manual on the website. I just followed the pdf manual and ran in this issue. Also I think it would be nice to place the (corrected) instructions in the assembly part of the web site under add-ons, the link in the provided LED leaflet does not work. Finally in my K8403 LED building kit The four tubes for isolating the soldered wires were not present, instead I found 8 small screws the purpose of which is not clear.