December 28, 2016, 9:55pm
Hi All,
Just after we finish to build this project with my son.
We tryed the first power on.
Based on the doc, we should see a menu on the LCD screen, but the LCD screen still definitively black.
We check the flat cable, seems ok.
We check the power, seems ok because all end captor light in red lighted
Any body have an idea or a suggestion ?
Sorry for my poor english, I’m french speaking
In advance, thanks for your support, advises and so on.
Try adjusting the contrast of the LCD.
You can do that by adjusting the potentiometer on the PCB that connects to the LCD
December 29, 2016, 5:52pm
[quote=“VEL337”]Try adjusting the contrast of the LCD.
You can do that by adjusting the potentiometer on the PCB that connects to the LCD[/quote]
Thanks for your suggestion, already done without result
Do I need to perform software operations (like firmware download or something like this) to activate the LCD Screen ?
You may want to take the LCD out and check the connections.
Make sure the cable is plugged in the right way and the connections between the LCD and SD board are good.
January 2, 2017, 2:28pm
Check if the reset button of the LCD isn’t stuck (pressed by the acrylic side panel).
Hi all,
Here is the result of checks
Small black Reset Button of the lcd daughter board is check OK (It can be pressed ease)
Flat cable is correctly connected.
Pin out OK.
Contrast potentiometer move counter clock sens or reverse clock sens without result.
Any other Idea ?
January 4, 2017, 10:48am
[quote=“Wrong Way”]the connections between the LCD and SD board are good.[/quote]Did you check this? You’ll have to remove the LCD as you can’t see it when it’s in place.