My Vertex K8400 is running on version v1.1 and I want to upgrade the printer to v1.4 as is specified in the installation documentation. The USB connection works, I see send and receive message but after a will the communication stops.
What can be the issue, who can help me?
System wide configuration file is "C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware/tools/avr/etc/avrdude.conf"
Using Port : \\.\COM3
Using Programmer : wiring
Overriding Baud Rate : 115200
Can you connect to the printer through Repetier and manually move the head or turn the fans on? If so this would say the driver is find. if not you will need to install the driver.
In device manager mine is set to 9600 8,N,1 no flow control.
However I don’t think the settings in device manager matter.
You could try to set it up like that just for grins.
Do you have a Windows 7 machine you could try it on?
The reason I asked about Windows 7 is that on Win 10 there were a couple of updates that ripped the USB drivers of a few of the devices.
You should either try to reinstall the drivers or if you have friend with Windows 7 try it on that.
I saw a note from you in a forum message about Octo Pi on Raspberry Pi. I installed this also and I had to same result. Checked an YouTube for the installation and I had the same result. OctoPi saw the USB interface but wouldn’t start communicating.
about windows 10, I spent a lot of time to look into the USB drivers and at the end I had a controlled situation, I switched off the automatic driver download in windows 10.
my issue is also that I don’t have an windows 7 machine around.
Today, I raised a technical issue for how I can test the USB interface on the main board.
Hi, I found the issue, iT is hardware relaxed, the port 1 TX , of the FT232 USB driver on the main board wasn’t soldert , so I could move it easily around. I hope I can solder it again.
Hi, the interface is working, I soldert pin 1 , de TX port again and the USB interface was working immediately. Firmware download worked as expected and the Manual control via the repeater also.
Looking to the interface
is the com interface is seen in Windows , the communication with the ft232 chip is working,
is you got a time- out, then the communication between the ft232 chip and the processor is gone. So this will be a hardware issue.
I was lucky that it concerned pin1 so that I could reach the pin with a soldering iron,