K8400 extruder temperature problem

Good day
I have an inconvenience with my 3d vertex K8400 Printer
The senses that connect to the printer head, knocked to the head that heats the extruder, and I melted the wires.
The cables were melted purple, black, blue, yellow and Maron
Now I could connect all the cables from the printer, but the (Nozzle No. 1) to connect the printer begins to raise temperature me, without giving any instruction, (Nozzle No. 1) by itself begins to raise temperature

As I can solve my problem?

cables melted me, cut the part destroyed, and connect wires with electrical tape

but when I connect the printer temperature continues to rise

I checked the heater extruder is not the problem, changing the heater extruder No. 2 to No. 1, I see that the problem has to be something on the motherboard I have burned.

Please help me

Can you post some sharp pictures of the wiring and the motherboard?

previously could only print with the extruder No. 2, now proved to print an object and does not let me print anything, nie with the extruder No. 2, when I connect Extruder No. 1, it automatically raises the temperature



this ist my problem

youtube.com/watch?v=ONgUMlD … e=youtu.be

The melted wires probably short circuited and fired the mosfet that controlls the heater. You will probably have to replace your motherboard. Please open a support ticket here:
