K8400-avrdude stk500v2_receivemessage () timeout

Good morning,

I bought a few days ago 'the vertex k8400, yesterday I finished the complete assembly of the printer, I followed all the steps in the manual, when I get to install the firmware for one hot end with Arduino 1.0.6 on Mac Book Pro MAC OX 10.6 Yosemite, I get this message in arduino: avrdude stk500v2_receivemessage () timeout … I followed the step by step procedure JPROG installed on the two pins.

Are there any solutions?
Thank You

This has been discussed in this topic.

Excerpt :

[quote]I solved my firmware upgrade problem. I changed under com port settings advanced tab suspend to 3600 sec. After this change firmware upgrade ended with “Done Upgrade AVRDDUDE thank you”

Oh and you’ve posted in the K8200 forum instead of the Vertex;).

i’m Sorry Raby.

Thanks a lot.