I buyed K8203 support, but after assembly of the machine handles the transfer of the printer wire in reverse. I did not change the engine control. I left the original setting
What could be the problem?
Sorry for spelling mistakes…
As I see for your description about the way you upgraded your 3D printer, could it be possible you did not perform a firmware upgrade for the printer?
see: https://www.velleman.eu/downloads/0/infosheets/datasheet_k8203_en.pdf
I had exactly the same issue a few months ago.
You have to change the direction of the extruder stepper. This can be done in the configuration.h file, thereafter you need to upload the firmware onto the controller. Do not forget to save the EEPROM settings.
You have to make the following change: change variable
INVERT_E0_DIR” from true to false
Thank you the answer. Yes, I updated the firmware.
Thank you very much for the answer. Where can I find the h file update?
In the download you have coming with the K8203, there is a “Marlim.ino” file-structure, which amongst others comprises the “configuration.h” file.
You need to download the “Arduino IDE”, version 1.0.6 (not a newer version, will not work with the Marlim.ino as supplied by Velleman).
Open the Marlim.ino file with the Arduino IDE, and one of the tabs contains the configuration.h file.
Edit this file and upload to the Velleman controller, as described in the K8200 assembly guide.
That did the trick for me.
Good luck!
Dear Wim Janse!
Thank you very much for your help. The printer works perfectly. Without your ideas, I could fix the mistake.
Thanks again
Somodi csaba
Glad to be of help, happy printing
Hi there!
We recently did the same upgrade to our K8200 printer. We swapped the motor chip, and went by the manual found here: https://manuals.velleman.eu/article.php?id=358
For the reset of the EEPROM, we could not find a “reset to factory settings”-button and instead used M502 and M500 GCode. I have no clue if this have the same effect.
Our problems are as follows:
The Y motor is acting up. While controlling it manually in Repetier host, the motor sometimes rotates the wrong direction, and sometimes the right direction.
The Z axis seems to rotate the wrong way.
The X axis doesn’t even move, just locks up and makes a “humming” noise.
We have uninstalled Repetier and reinstalled it again, re-did the firmware upgrade afterwards.
For the moment we are totally stumped and have no clue what the problem is or why it is acting the way it does.
Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!
When you updated the firmware did you use Arduino 1.0.6 or lower?
It is arduino version is 1.7.8.
Version 1.7.8 will not work.
It needs to be 1.0.6 or lower
You can download it here.