K8203 - K8204 arduino, firmware, marlin

I upgraded my K8200 with K8203 (direct drive) and K8204 (Z-axis) physically. This was easy.
Programing is not my thing, so I need ready made programs.
My setup:
PC with Windows7, 64 bit, dedicated exclusively for my K8200. I have no PCB screen or
I have done this:
Installed K8303 direct drive
Installed K8204 Z-axis
Installed new driver board for K8203 direct drive. Set voltage to 0.87
With Arduino 1.0.6., I compiled Marlin v2.3 firmware for new spindle and direct drive. Compilation went fine.
Shorted JPROG on mainboard and uploaded the new firmware. This also worked fine.
Removed JPROG shortcircuit and started Repetier host V0.95F
Then comes the problem:
The FIRMWARE EEPROM CONFIGURATION is greyed out, so I’m not able to reload the EEPROM settings.

What step have I missed?
Have I used wrong Arduino, Marlin Firmware, or Repetier host?
I feel certain that someone has already solved this, but so far I find no answer that works, on this forum.

Line four should read:
PC with Windows7, 64 bit, dedicated exclusively for my K8200. I have no LCD screen or SD reader.

Hello einarson,

I’m in a similar position to you: trying to upgrade the Marlin firmware (v2.2 for k8203 though). No one has replied to my Nov’17 post.

To get the FIRMWARE EEPROM CONFIGURATION out of grey make sure you “connect” to printer and then go to “manual” tab and press press OK on that screen.

I think that works for me (no where near the printer just now).

But that’s as far as I get, firmware is still at Marlin v1.0.0

If I progress any further I’ll post you a note.



You should look at this link.

Hi, HLH and Wrong_Way.
Thank you both. The order of actions seems to be important. I did what you said, and now things work fine.
I now puddle about, printing small things with differen colors and shapes, without any usefulness except that it is great fun.

Glad to hear it’s working now.

Pleased to see you got it working.

As for me I still can’t get my firmware upgraded. Have posted my latest attempt in the forum.

If you have any tips after your success, they would be greatly appreciated.