Hi Guys,
Hope that someone can help me out here.
Today I have installed the K8203 1.75mm / 0.35mm extruder with a direct drive (stepper motor and new controller om main board)
I have done the Arduino update procedure to Marlin V2.2, connect the printer and send the M502 and M500 commands to store the embedded printer settings / Reset EEPROM.
All great so far, but when I move the motor in the Y direction (+10mm) it moves in the correct direction. Now for the strange part, when I move the motor in the Y direction (-10mm) it moves (+10mm)!!?!. When I again move in the Y direction (-10mm) it moves (-10mm).
It looks like the last (relative) movement is stored/buffered and sent again.
This will create an offset over time, which I have seen during printing after only 1 layer of printing.
I also had to reverse the extrusion stepper motor direction because it was turning the wrong way. I did that in the Configuration.h file, uncommented the define INVERT_E0_DIR true and set it to false
Has anyone had this problem or knows how to solve this?
I use the Repetier MAC version 1.0.2 of software.
When I go back to the Marlin V1.0 firmware all works fine again, so it is clearly a firmware problem.
Thank you for any help.