K8203 direct drive + Marlin V2.2 firmware issue

Hi Guys,

Hope that someone can help me out here.

Today I have installed the K8203 1.75mm / 0.35mm extruder with a direct drive (stepper motor and new controller om main board)

I have done the Arduino update procedure to Marlin V2.2, connect the printer and send the M502 and M500 commands to store the embedded printer settings / Reset EEPROM.

All great so far, but when I move the motor in the Y direction (+10mm) it moves in the correct direction. Now for the strange part, when I move the motor in the Y direction (-10mm) it moves (+10mm)!!?!. When I again move in the Y direction (-10mm) it moves (-10mm).

It looks like the last (relative) movement is stored/buffered and sent again.
This will create an offset over time, which I have seen during printing after only 1 layer of printing.

I also had to reverse the extrusion stepper motor direction because it was turning the wrong way. I did that in the Configuration.h file, uncommented the define INVERT_E0_DIR true and set it to false

Has anyone had this problem or knows how to solve this?

I use the Repetier MAC version 1.0.2 of software.

When I go back to the Marlin V1.0 firmware all works fine again, so it is clearly a firmware problem.

Thank you for any help.


Hi There,

I think I solved this issue. The problem was the Arduino software version. Although it compiled fine on the latest release, it was not correctly compiling the firmware code correctly.

More info in this tread viewtopic.php?f=50&t=12726&start=15

Also for old versions (MAC / OSX) visit: arduino.cc/en/Main/OldSoftw … ases#1.0.x

Now going to check if we can print something nice :wink:

