Hello from Barcelona. I have got a problem with my CPU Arduino Mega 2560 and the configuration. People generally use the configurations Marlin for their printer 3D. But, I haven’t found a good configuration for my Velleman K8200 with engine step by step Nema 17. I have a Arduinomega 2560 + Ramps 1.4. I’m used diferente configurations and velocities but de engines isn’t move correctly. Thanks for our time. will change the Pololus to prevent further failures.
[size=150]Someone has the final configuration, and solve the problem?[/size]
The real problem is that The configuration of numbers of steps and velocity of engines is wrong. The engines done a noise and doesn’t move. Sometimes, I got move the engines When I change the velocity the connfiguratión in “Configuration.h” (in Marlin) but the engines does it too much steps. I need a good configuration for my K8200.
[color=#FF0000]Sorry for my English.[/color] I’m learning English in the Academy yet.
The model of engine Step to Step is: 42BYGHW811. 2,5A(U) 1.8deg/Step By: www.wantmotor.com
What do you mean with: “What microstepping level do you use on the ramps? 16 or 32?” I 'm still learning , and there are things I do not understand.
[quote=“Ebnal0”]The model of engine Step to Step is: 42BYGHW811. 2,5A(U) 1.8deg/Step By: wantmotor.com
What do you mean with: “What microstepping level do you use on the ramps? 16 or 32?” I 'm still learning , and there are things I do not understand.
To increase the precision the stepper motors run in so called “microstepping mode”.
This means, each full step (200/rev onyour motor model) is subdivided in 2/4/8/16/32 or even more “substeps”.
The steps/mm setting must match the microstepping setting of the stepper drivers.
On the stock k8200 1/16th microstepping is used. If the drivers on your ramps are set to 1/32th microstepping,
you must double your steps/mm setting.
For example :
K8200 stock config
10 Tooth pulley T5 Belt
1/16th Microstepping
steps/mm -> 64
Same for 1/32th microstepping will be
steps/mm -> 128
You can use the calculator builtin to repetier (tools menu) to calculate the correct value for your specific setup.
[quote=“Ebnal0”]Are there any tutorial or video tutorial, that explain it this? I have got problems to do it. I need a teacher for learning. I’m desperate. hahaha XD
Thanks for your patience.[/quote]
I assume you use the pololu drivers with the ramps, correct?
If so they are likely to be set to 1/16th microstepping.
Then the setps/mm should be 64 assuming you have the stock belt and pulleys on your k8200.
What moved length do you get when you tell it to move 100mm?