K8200 with motherboard Arduino+RAMPS 1.4 Config. Marlin

Hello from Barcelona. I have got a problem with my CPU Arduino Mega 2560 and the configuration. People generally use the configurations Marlin for their printer 3D. But, I haven’t found a good configuration for my Velleman K8200 with engine step by step Nema 17. I have a Arduinomega 2560 + Ramps 1.4. I’m used diferente configurations and velocities but de engines isn’t move correctly. Thanks for our time.  will change the Pololus to prevent further failures.

[size=150]Someone has the final configuration, and solve the problem?[/size]

Can you give a bit more detail what your actual problem is?

The real problem is that The configuration of numbers of steps and velocity of engines is wrong. The engines done a noise and doesn’t move. Sometimes, I got move the engines When I change the velocity the connfiguratión in “Configuration.h” (in Marlin) but the engines does it too much steps. I need a good configuration for my K8200.

[color=#FF0000]Sorry for my English.[/color] I’m learning English in the Academy yet.

So, if i getyou right, your motors move, but not the right length?
What microstepping level do you use on the ramps? 16 or 32?

For the Stock k8200 63.25 is used with 16x microstepping.



The model of engine Step to Step is: 42BYGHW811. 2,5A(U) 1.8deg/Step By: www.wantmotor.com
What do you mean with: “What microstepping level do you use on the ramps? 16 or 32?” I 'm still learning , and there are things I do not understand.


[quote=“Ebnal0”]The model of engine Step to Step is: 42BYGHW811. 2,5A(U) 1.8deg/Step By: wantmotor.com
What do you mean with: “What microstepping level do you use on the ramps? 16 or 32?” I 'm still learning , and there are things I do not understand.


To increase the precision the stepper motors run in so called “microstepping mode”.
This means, each full step (200/rev onyour motor model) is subdivided in 2/4/8/16/32 or even more “substeps”.

The steps/mm setting must match the microstepping setting of the stepper drivers.
On the stock k8200 1/16th microstepping is used. If the drivers on your ramps are set to 1/32th microstepping,
you must double your steps/mm setting.

For example :
K8200 stock config
10 Tooth pulley T5 Belt
1/16th Microstepping
steps/mm -> 64

Same for 1/32th microstepping will be
steps/mm -> 128

You can use the calculator builtin to repetier (tools menu) to calculate the correct value for your specific setup.



Are there any tutorial or video tutorial, that explain it this? I have got problems to do it. I need a teacher for learning. I’m desperate. hahaha XD

Thanks for your patience.

[quote=“Ebnal0”]Are there any tutorial or video tutorial, that explain it this? I have got problems to do it. I need a teacher for learning. I’m desperate. hahaha XD

Thanks for your patience.[/quote]

I assume you use the pololu drivers with the ramps, correct?
If so they are likely to be set to 1/16th microstepping.
Then the setps/mm should be 64 assuming you have the stock belt and pulleys on your k8200.
What moved length do you get when you tell it to move 100mm?

Her is a video tutorial on stepper motors : youtube.com/watch?v=bItYRMLGoVc
And here one on the new trinamic stepper drivers : youtube.com/watch?v=g6Bxoqr8QlY
