K8200 substitute power supply 16v?

First, thank you to all of the contributors of this forum. By spending several hours here before building my K8200, you folks provided me with a wealth of knowledge that allowed my early, fast success. Now I look forward to many evenings of continued learning, exploration, and frustration. I hope to contribute as I learn.

Searching this forum and the internet didn’t seem to answer my question. Several have concerns with the original supplied power supply. In a 20C room printing at 190c and a bed temp of 50c, my power supply runs quiet hot like everyone mentions. Rummaging around in my “spares” box, I found an IBM laptop dock power supply, output is 16v, 7.5a. I know that isn’t much of an increase in power, but it may run without as much thermal stress. Plus it’s paid for. Here’s my question to those in the know: Can the Sanguinolulu board and assorted components handle the 16volts? I imagine I may have to install a resistor in series with the cooling fan, or any 12v fan I use in the future.

Best regards,


Well, the board (3drag controller not Sanguinolulu :wink: ) as well as the fans (you can series ia a resistor just for making sure)
should be able to deal with 16v input.
But if you really want more heatbed power i’d suggest to switch the bed to a second 24V power supply.
Most users (mee too) did this to reach the required bed temp for abs printing.
If you do that, the stock supply would be easily able to power the rest.