K8200 stepper issues

Have a k8200, used it a bit and then it sat for a long while, worked fine with windows 7 and had limited sucess on windows 8, haven’t used until now with windows 10
The pinter worked fine before hand with windows 7 and 8, in windows 10 using repiter host when I select a movement the steppers just click and move super slow, like the down want to move, reflashed the marlin arduino softwear, still having issue, all stepper drivers are set to .450 volts from when I orginally set up
Any help would be appreciated

Set the stepper drivers to 0.55
Slow movement maybe the PC you are connecting to
Also use the USB cable that came with the printer.

Thanks, I will give it a try, the pc is the same one and I’m using the same usb port from before, only difference is windows 10, also using the original cord but with a usb extention which I have used before

Based on what you have said this is a Microsoft problem.
You may need to update all of the drivers for Windows 10
For testing purposes you should get rid of the extension cable.

Yea, seems Microsoft is the issue, uninstalled repiter host and installed.latest version, bumped the voltage up to .55 and all that still same issues
I’ll look up to proper drivers for Windows 10 and update then
When I connected the printer to the computer first, It tryed doing the auto install.drivers but froze part way, I installed the driver from velleman at that point

That maybe the problem.
Try uninstalling the drivers and install the drivers from Velleman.