K8200 several questions

I am not sure where to post this and I really need answers.
I have contacted Velleman by e-mail and I was asked to post my questions here.
So here they are.

I consider to buy 3D Printer K8200.
I am photographer and I take pictures of anime figures. I often need to adjust scenery by my imagination and I find 3D Printer as a best option. I would need it for making replicas (mostly in scale 1/7) of rooms, walls, furniture and other accessories. Here starts the questions.

  1. What material does exactly 3D Printer K8200 use?
  2. Is this material suitable for being painted? (As I said I need replicas and I can not avoid finishing process, which is the painting)
  3. I read, that important thing about 3D Printers is jet. What jet does K8200 use? And is it possible to switch it? I hear, that the most universal for details is 0,3 mm or 0,2 mm. In case, that K8200 use jet 0,5 do you think it is enough for my request?
  4. If I would need to connect some parts I printed, is there any suitable glue?

This is a big investment for me and I would like to avoid any mistakes. If there is anything unclear in my questions, just let me know.

1: The printer uses PLA ( Polylactic Acid) or ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene), it can use the 2. While some printers can use only 1
2: Yes its possible to paint it. But offcourse you need to do the steps like you would paint on plastic, sand it, clean it , degrease it, …
3: You mean extruder? If so, possible well if you buy/make a new extruder for 0,3 yes. The resolution you can go for the wall is 0,5mm and layer is 0,20-0,25mm
If you have seen the promotional video you can see they are printing a cat that has a good detail. And the slower you print the more accurate it is.
4: Super glue , or Acrylic cement made special for PLA

I would say check the forum and keep on reading on the internet.
Didn’t regret that i bought one :wink:

Be sure to get a very good idea of exactly what the K8200 can do and if it suits your needs. I have doubts if it would be suited for printing miniature rooms, furniture and even anime figurines (which would probably need support material). You may need a more professional printer. Printing large items takes many hours, something you may need to consider as well.

The K8200 could or could not be what you are looking for, inform yourself well before buying this printer or another printer.

[quote=“VEL448”]Be sure to get a very good idea of exactly what the K8200 can do and if it suits your needs. I have doubts if it would be suited for printing miniature rooms, furniture and even anime figurines (which would probably need support material). You may need a more professional printer. Printing large items takes many hours, something you may need to consider as well.

The K8200 could or could not be what you are looking for, inform yourself well before buying this printer or another printer.[/quote]
Thank you for the reply :slight_smile:

[quote=“Citystars”]1: The printer uses PLA ( Polylactic Acid) or ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene), it can use the 2. While some printers can use only 1
2: Yes its possible to paint it. But offcourse you need to do the steps like you would paint on plastic, sand it, clean it , degrease it, …
3: You mean extruder? If so, possible well if you buy/make a new extruder for 0,3 yes. The resolution you can go for the wall is 0,5mm and layer is 0,20-0,25mm
If you have seen the promotional video you can see they are printing a cat that has a good detail. And the slower you print the more accurate it is.
4: Super glue , or Acrylic cement made special for PLA

I would say check the forum and keep on reading on the internet.
Didn’t regret that i bought one ;)[/quote]

Thank you for your answers :slight_smile: