Hi everyone,
So a couple of moths ago, the micro usb connector broke off my K8200 3d printer mainboard.
I saw on this forum that there are a couple of people who had the same problem.
I tried soldering my usb cable directly on the mainboard the same way as this image:
but the solder pad where the black cable is soldered (on the image) was broken on my board so I soldered
the black cable on the black connector (next to the usb micro connector)
http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=984054schemacollegamento1.jpg (where the pwr supply is connected on the picture).
When I was ready, I connected the mainboard to my pc.
The green led is the only led on (the orange/red led doesn’t light up)
My pc doesn’t see the mainboard at all.
Can you guys help me fix this problem?
Sorry if there are any mistakes ( english is not my main language)
You should post a picture of what you have.
May make it easier.
[quote=“Wrong Way”]Look at the picture in this link.
This should help[/quote]
I already tried that but I can’t completely do the same as in the picture because the solder pad for the black cable is broken.
I moved the black cable over there (see link) hpics.li/57c8f75
I soldered a resistance (470 ohm) on to the resistance smd (which was broken I believe because now the red light is on) (picture below)
hostingpics.net/viewer.php?i … 131206.jpg
When I connected the board after soldering, my pc recognized the mainboard as unknown device.
I reinserted the usb to try again and now my pc doesn’t see the mainboard at all (not even as unknown device).
Some more information:
- for the usb cable, I used an old mouse cable (does this matter?)
- my usb ports are 3.0
The old mouse cable maybe the problem.
You should try using USB 2.0
3.0 should be backwards compatible but not always.