K8200 my Printer modifications, Milling and Drilling CNC

Hello all,

I investigate much time to upgrade my Printer for Milling and Drilling different materials.

Specially for the 3Drag/K8200 Contest!!!

See Pictures below…

The new Printer Design…

K8200 as Milling Machine

PCB Drilling

Set Z-axis to Zero with a Copper plate

Drilled and Milled PCB

New Spindle holder, because the black one is not strong enough.

I decided to make a dust boot to prevent the cleaning after milling.
A Vacuum Cleaner is working through the flexible hose!!

Distribution Unit

Milled fiber glass 1,5mm

Dust boot parts and complete Assembly.

Now I’m using a Proxxon Spindle with longer shaft.

On the Printer table I’m using a wooden face milled plate.

After milling a couple of PCB’s and some different plate’s, it turned out that the printer construction is to weak
for CNC milling. A lightweight fiber glass table has to be designed and manufactured.

UHU300 seemed to be the best solution for glueing the parts together.

To get an exact table movement with low fit tolerance, new linear rails and bearings have to be implemented.

Due to the stronger construction, motors and belts have to be moved to other locations.

Ready for assembling!!!

Removing of old Table construction.

Printer with new design…

Simple modifying of the Mainborad, to get a higher torque by decreasing the microsteps.

Enable the jumper selection by cutting the copper between them.

Inserting some jumper’s and solder them.

Chart for changing the Microsteps

In addition to the new table, a vacuumplate became more and more interesting…
So let’s making this wish happen.

Finally it fits perfect to the table and is working very well!!!

Initial milling a wooden plate with the force of the vacuum…

Now, the heatbed has to be remodified to keep the mainfunction…3D Printing.

The new wiring of the Heatbed…

In addition, the Z-axis had to be updated, to absorbe the recoil of the milling spindle…

I will also upload a video on Youtube, when it’s done i will let you know…

Hope you enjoyed it!!!
Best Regards


please visit Youtube and watch my Video…

Best regards

Wow great work !!! congratulations !!!

So now it’s k8210 :slight_smile: so far from K8200 !!


the term “upgrade” would be an understatement here … nice!

The X axis construction seems to be a bit higher than it is in the original setup. Do you have any noticible effecs from that, vibrations due to inertia or similar? Or do the new linear bearings take care of that?
And, on another note, how was the vacuum table done? Water jet?


Wow, best mod ever!

Incredible work, you could have almost build this from scratch.

I was thinking that i was almost finished with my mods, now milling looks like a nice extra mod.

Wow! Nearly incredile what you have made there. I am absolutely impressed.



Thank you all for your positive feedback…

@ kuraasu, yes my constrution is a little bit higher, because off that, i build my Table in an additional frame…
the Bearings are much more better then the original ones, so i didn’t have any Problems with vibrations.
The vacuum table is milled on a CNC Machine…please watch my Video posted before…

Here is the finished Printer…

I added some Profile Covers

Best regards


Where did you purchase the extruded aluminium parts?

Hi alexnn,
you will find them at modelltechnikdirekt.de/

Best regards,

Thank you for your positive feedback…:slight_smile:

Please also add the picture from my finished printer to
the webside k8200.eu

Best regards,


I have a question about the milling G code.
I follow CNC at school and we use G codes but also M codes.
these are also to use? or how you’re controlling your milling machine?
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G-code link the codes we use.

Thanks to google tranlate: p

Hy dobke,
the code is all in G-Code.
You can find a tutorial at: open-electronics.org/tag/3drag/

I have updated my Z-Zeroswitch…

Best regards,


It’s a wonderful work.
Just a question: how did you add a second Z motor ?
Stepper on board are powerful enough to wire in parallel a second motor ?


Hello nevarore,
yes you can connect a second Motor parallel,
or you can also connect an additional stepper driver at the input side of the Z-Axis.

I use the motor’s now with half stepping, this is for getting the torque to 70%.

If you have some questions, please ask.

Thank you for your positive feedback.

Best regards,

do you have some Information’s or results, from the K8200 Contest at the Openelectronics side?



I want to start with saying. Nice Work. This is what i want to have. I am thinking about buying a K8200 and if i can do the same changes that you have made i think i am going to buy it.

Is it possible for you to make a steg by steg guide with all the changes that you have made (Electric schema, list of material, 3d prints…)? I think that everyone would love that.

This guide would be a Grate blogg post :slight_smile:


I have updated to E3D Hotend.
The results are perfect.

Some pictures…

Kind regards

Hy K8200 friends…:slight_smile:

For new features I’m updating my electronic to Ramp’s 1.4.
Also the Stepperdriver’s are changed from A4988 to DRV8825.

Kind regards,

Don’t forget to watch: youtu.be/vuTsg48yBEo


Nice work.